360° Contactcenter strategy

You tried to call someone but no-one answered? Are you ready when the callee tries to call back? Will he get in touch with someone that knows why you tried to reach him? Or do you call anonymously?

You will have to ask yourself all these questions in order to provide the best possible service to your customers.

Contact Center Integration Survey

An organization has already drawn out workflows, and it is working with an existing vertical application or CRM, inherent in its specialty. These workflows contain the professional knowledge, plus a lot of information immediately useful for communicating with the customer or prospect.
Contact center functionalities are added to these existing applications, in order to improve productivity, increase the business figures and optimize customer satisfaction.

The survey tangibly answers the following questions:

  • What contact center functionalities need to be built in? IVR, incoming and outgoing calls, e-mail, internet self-service, chat, chat booth etc
  • Where in this process or existing application do these functionalities have to be inserted?
  • How to integrate cost efficiently?
  • What information needs to be sent to employees, and in what form?
  • What are the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?
  • What real-time dashboards and reports do the managers need to have at their disposal?
  • How can information lead to knowledge increase, and how does one feed back that newly acquired knowledge to employees and customers?

For whom is the Contact Center Integration Survey intended?

  • Customer binding: quickly arranging and using relevant customer data during a conversation will lead to a personal approach and give the customer the feeling that your company knows and understands him. This will cause customer retention.
  • Increased service: the helpdesk employee will not only take the call, he will also be provided with relevant data to continue accurately assisting the customer. The customer will perceive your company as a professional service provider.
  • The company as a center of knowledge: all employees can add or alter information very swiftly, with the customer still on the line. The company therefore has the correct information on which analyses can be executed by, for example, people responsible for marketing, wanting to organize upselling actions, or service managers looking to offer a new or better service.
  • Management information: the manager gets a better grip. He can objectively measure the productivity and workload through real-time dashboards and ex-post reporting. He can check whether desired results have been obtained, and take appropriate action.

Plan of Approach 

Phase 1: Determining the interaction channels to be built in

  • Analysis of the interaction channels currently in use by target groups
    – Telephone calls
    – Interactive Voice Response
    – Voice Portal
    – Email
    – Web self-service with overflow possibility via email,
       web template or call
    – Chat with co-worker
    – Chat booth
  • Check to see which questions are better handled immediately by the co-worker. This examination considers two different angles:
    – customer binding, customer satisfaction and upselling opportunities
    – complexity of the question
  • Analysis of information being exchanged throughout the various interaction channels
    – Information on products and services
    – Offer requests
    – Ordering
    – Delivery information
    – Invoice information
    – Helpdesk questions
  • Determine through what interaction channels all of this will occur

Phase 2: Existing application or CRM: functional workflow

The existing workflow is analyzed from the contact center point of view

  • Reception and routering:
    – What are the questions the customer will ask at process start?
    – How can the various question types be identified and qualified?
    – What extra information does the customer provide, or what additional questions need to be asked?
    – What information needs certainly be entered into the existing application or CRM?
    – How can contact center tools still help a customer when there is not a single employee available?
    – Does some form of service still need to be offered after office hours?
    – On the basis of what criteria should the call be routed to whom? What information should be sent along?


  •  Handling and processing 
    – What information needs to be automatically collected by contact center tools, and visualized by employees?
    – How should the visualization occur?
    – Is it possible to offer information quickly enough to an employee who is starting an interaction with a customer or prospect?
    – What customer information must be added or created?
    – What qualifications must an employee submit at the end of a call or some other interaction?
  • Real time dashboards and management information
    – Determining internal and external SLAs (Service Level Agreements) with definition of Key Performance Indicators;
    – Determining how employee productivity will be measured;
    – Define how answer quality will be measured;
    – Define the reports that the manager will keep at the employees’ disposal for self-inspection;
    – Determine how the obtained information can be used proactively towards the target groups;

phase 3: technical audit of the integration

We will check how the integration can be realized technically, with cost efficiency as the hallmark.

  • What interfaces does the application or CRM foresee?
  • What connectors are already at one’s disposal?
  • What is the database structure like?
  • Where in the interactions can one find the information and whereto can this information be saved?
  • Which security measures does one need to take into account?

phase 4:  Final report

The final report will take all above topics into consideration. Below you will find a summary:

  • The development of contact center functionalities that will be built into the existing applications, CRM and databases;
  • The development of routing and flows of interaction channels, with definition of useable information from existing databases;
  • Definition of internal and external SLAs with included KPIs;
  • Definition of a knowledge databank that can be used reactively and proactively;
  • Technical development of integration on programming level
  • Financial development with payback analysis

phase 5: accompaniment during the implementation of various organizational and operational stages


  • Project management of the actual integration process;
  • Training of employees and other stakeholders;
  • Measurement of results regarding KPIs;
  • Measurement through test calls and interviews with the target audience (e.g. customers, users, prospects). The quality of the adapted workflows will be analyzed.
  • Project plan adjustment

phaze 6: final evaluation and adjustment


  • The project will be evaluated in its entirety
  • A “learning globe” will be created to convert the experience into lastingly useful information for the organization

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