Interaction force university

A correct implementation and start are crucial for the success of the customer interaction operations. A good and complete training is essential and together with the customer we develop the correct training program.

Types of training

We recognise different types of training. Depending on the effective needs the correct training program is proposed. The different possible trainings are:


Nixxis administrator training

Training on how to set up campaigns, agents and other elements of the Nixxis Contact Suite. Audience: administrators. System administration: administering the human resources, the campaigns, opening hours, dialing rules, inbound activities, outbound activities, system variables and site parameters. During a work shop actual customer campaigns are put into the system.

Agent training

Agent training is a “train-the-trainer” course that is given to call centre trainers or call centre supervisors. It explains the agent interfaces and best practices for optimal use of the agent interface. An agent document entitled “how to: reminder” is sent with all the practical information about the user interface.

CallScripter training

Using the CallScripter tool to create scripts. Practical workshop to implement campaign scripts. Customer examples are used to create scripts. Those examples are immediately used to put campaigns live.

Nixxis supervisor training

Knowing the Nixxis Contact Suite Concept we train on the supervision and reporting tools. This training is preferably done once the platform is operational. The examples are then based on the customer’s operations.raties.

Nixxis-concept training

Training on the Nixxis philosophy. Responsibles and IT staff are trained on the different possibilities of the Nixxis Contact Suite. In this course we give an overview on the inbound & outbound concepts that form the basis of the Nixxis Contact Suite. Purpose is to demonstrate the way of thinking that is behind the Nixxis applications and to illustrate the advantages it has on traditional call centre products.

Nixxis Technical Workshop

This session is for advanced technical engineers that want to use the openness of the Nixxis Contact Suite. As a result they will be able to create reports using other reporting tools, integrate third party scripting tools and third party applications.Different technical sessions are organized: Advanced CallScripter scripting, Integration, Database structures, The API toolset and Media server technical aspects

Guidance at start-up

When starting the operations you can choose to have someone from Nixxis on site or on distance. Doing so you get immediate answers on questions and the operations can be optimized through a set of “best practices” that are transmitted.

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